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Election Results 100% open


What data is expected?

This data category requires results by constituency / district for all major national electoral contests. Election data informs about voting outcomes and voting process. What are electoral majorities and minorities? How many votes are registered, invalid, or spoilt? To enable highest transparency, the Index assesses polling station data. Data for electoral zones does not suffice. The Index consulted the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to develop this data category. For more information, see the NDI’s Open Elections Data Initiative. We recommend that you consult our methodology section for more information.

  • Results for major electoral contests
  • Number of registered votes
  • Number of invalid votes
  • Number of spoiled ballots
  • Data available at polling station level

How open is the data?

Voting process takes place with electronic ballot boxes. According to the legislation in place, invalid votes include: blank votes -those in which voters do not express preference for any of the running candidates- and void votes -spoiled votes that result from voters´ intention to spoil their vote by typing numbers that do not correspond to any candidate or political party when casting their vote in an electronic voting machine-. So submission is considered valid. Both National and Mayoral Contests are available at the same platform. For example: 2016 we had Municipal Contests and 2014, National Contests. One of the datasets available is "Detalhe da apuração por município e zona" (Counting detail per municipality and electoral ward), which shows the total number of registered votes per municipality and electoral ward. The "Detalhe da apuração por seção eleitoral" (Counting detail per electoral section) dataset shows data per polling station (ballot box). As for navigation, if you search “Eleições resultados”, portuguese for “Election Results” in google, the first links are those from TSE. Data is public and regulated by the brazillian law of access to information (, but there is no specific open license for electoral data.

Data location - Main page for all brazilian election data (Repositório de dados eleitorais, which means Election Data Repository). The session "results" in the left panel shows election results since 1945.
Data licence
Data format   TXT
Reviewer   Paola Mosso
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Tue Nov 22 2016 20:20:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Paola Mosso


  • Wagner Faria de Oliveira
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