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Air Quality 30% open


What data is expected?

Data about the daily mean concentration of air pollutants, especially those potentially harmful to human health. Data should be available for all air monitoring stations or air monitoring zones in a country. The Index focusses on key pollutants as defined by the World Health Organisation. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Particulate matter (PM)
  • Sulphur oxides (SOx)
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Ozone
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Available per air monitoring station/zone

How open is the data?

As I said before, there are many different sources of pollutant emissions data in Brazil, but any of them seems to comply with the methodology of the open data index. I would just like to point out some of the information I could get apart from what I focused during the process of filling the survey. 1) All information of the MMA can be obtained through this link: 2) In August 2016, the MMA complied with the creation of a transparency platform for pollutant emissions data, but it is not yet available. 3) Data on pollutant emissions by vehicles since 1980 until 2012 is also published in pdf format by the MMA: 4) INPE produces the map ( but also information on the Amazon region downloadable in .xls format (, which is also available in the brazilian open data portal ( 5) IBGE used to have periodic research on emissions, but it seems to be outdated for most of the metropolitan regions ( 6) This kind of data has better quality in the subnational level. I put here two examples I found, which is from the Federal District ( and from the State of São Paulo ( There should be a kind of aggregation of subnational level data.

Accepting Submission, on the basis made by the Local Researcher. Made some corrections on the available data and the note of lack of direct license being described with the data.

Data location - Map provided by INPE with real time information on air quality and emissions covering the entire territory. Data is not downloadable. - Report provided by MMA with data per air monitoring station for the entire territory. In PDF and outdated (2012). - Data provided by INPE on emissions for the Amazon region, downloadable in .xls format. - Statistical series by IBGE on emissions of some pollutants per metropolitan region. Downloadable in .xls format, but outdated. - Weekly Report on air quality monitoring by the Federal District Government. In PDF only for two pollutants. Subnational level. - Real Time data on air quality monitoring by the State Government of São Paulo. No download option, only for six pollutants. Subnational level.
Data licence
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Ricardo Alanís
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Fri Nov 25 2016 17:05:17 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Ricardo Alanís


  • Wagner Faria de Oliveira
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