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National Laws 100% open


What data is expected?

This data category requires all national laws and statutes to be available online, although it is not a requirement that information on legislative behaviour e.g. voting records is available.

  • Content of the law / status
  • Date of last amendment
  • Amendments to the law (if applicable)

How open is the data?

More information about the Lexml project can be obtained through

Well documented. All data is found on the sites provided. These comments are from the original submitter. B1.1: The Federal Senate (Senado Federal) in Brazil keeps a data repository and documentation for downloading the webservice. The brazilian Presidency ("Palácio do Planalto") also keeps a comprehensive portal for searching and consulting federal laws. B2.2: Here I listed many different sources for data, starting with the most comprehensive open data initiative by the brazilian Legislative and ending with the consultation webpage of the brazilian Presidency, which is used very often, but doesn’t provide open data format. B2.3: I was already acquainted with the brazilian Presidency portal, but it was quite difficult to find the information for the Lexml project. I had to ask specialists about it. B5: Data is downloadable in bulk through the API/webservice system. B6: Data is updated every time there is an amendment to the laws. B7.1: The page footer shows that the content and data from the website are published under a Creative Commons 4.0 license. All the webservice links also redirect to the open definition. B8: The Lexml project gives access to the API/webservice through HTML (research portal) and XML (all data). B9: You need to have programming skills to access the API/webservice and use the data.

Data location - The Lexml project, part of “Interlegis” legislative initiative, is a webpage that contains both a research system for federal laws and also the possibility to access its API. - The Federal Senate keeps the documentation to search and retrieve data from the Lexml project. - There is also the possibility to retrieve federal juridical norms directly through the Senate in .xml format. - This documentation shows how to retrieve access to the API for the Senate. - The brazilian Presidency keeps this webpage to federal law consultation, but download here is not possible. - The brazilian Presidency also keeps a platform for searching federal laws, but download here is not possible.
Data licence
Data format   HTML, XML
Reviewer   Michael Beatty
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Thu Nov 24 2016 18:03:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Michael Beatty


  • Wagner Faria de Oliveira
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