This is an archived project from the Open Knowledge Foundation and it is no longer active. For any questions please contact admin at

Administrative Boundaries 80% open


What data is expected?

Data on administrative units or areas defined for the purpose of administration by a (local) government. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Boundary level 1
  • Boundary level 2
  • Coordinates (latitude, longitude)
  • Name of poligone (department, region, city)
  • Borders of poligone

How open is the data?

Additional format support SHX + DBF was added as it is part of the shapefile. Additionally, there is proper Coordinates Projection support. Corrected the field "data being up to date" as the metadata of the dataset indicates it is last updated April 2016 which is within the year. Your submission is valid. Thank you very much for contributing to the Global Open Data Index. No clear license was stated for the dataset and was unable to find any national law that supports open license.

Data location - IDE's download section
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   DBF, SHP, SHX
Reviewer   Michael Leow
Submitters   Manuel Barros
Last modified   Wed Dec 21 2016 16:18:17 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Michael Leow


  • Manuel Barros
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