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National Laws 0% open


What data is expected?

This data category requires all national laws and statutes to be available online, although it is not a requirement that information on legislative behaviour e.g. voting records is available.

  • Content of the law / status
  • Date of last amendment
  • Amendments to the law (if applicable)

How open is the data?

At the time of this survey, the national assembly website is not available. It is the location of most of the laws voted in Cameroon. The website of the presidency of the republic used to publish laws, as the president of the republic is allowed by the constitution to issue laws. But it is difficult to find this information on both websites.

The data is not accessible. Per the submitter: "At the time of this survey, the national assembly website is not available. It is the location of most of the laws voted in Cameroon. The website of the presidency of the republic used to publish laws, as the president of the republic is allowed by the constitution to issue laws. But it is difficult to find this information on both websites."

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Alyssa Beaton
Submitters   Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
Last modified   Thu Jan 05 2017 15:48:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Alyssa Beaton


  • Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
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