This is an archived project from the Open Knowledge Foundation and it is no longer active. For any questions please contact admin at

Administrative Boundaries 100% open


What data is expected?

Data on administrative units or areas defined for the purpose of administration by a (local) government. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Boundary level 1
  • Boundary level 2
  • Coordinates (latitude, longitude)
  • Name of poligone (department, region, city)
  • Borders of poligone

How open is the data?

El Sistema de Información Geográfica para la Planeación y el Ordenamiento Territorial Nacional, constituye una organización de entidades, acuerdos y recursos tecnológicos que facilita el acceso y uso de información georreferenciada, con el propósito de contribuir a una eficiente y oportuna toma de decisiones por parte de las autoridades e instancias en el sistema de planeación, a nivel nacional, regional y local, en apoyo de una mejor gestión del desarrollo territorial.

The originally submission was corrected with a better more comprehensive version found in the Data Portal under the "Administrative Boundaries" search; published by Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies. The Data Portal has an open license as pointed by @paolamoz in the forum. The data format list was expanded to cover the more formats available in this data portal. The data according to the metadata was from Dec 1 and thus is up to date. Your submission is valid. Thank you very much for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.

Data location - Data Portal "Administrative Boundaries"
Data licence
Data format   DBF, GeoJSON, KML, KMZ, SHP, SHX
Reviewer   Michael Leow
Submitters   Carlos Caicedo
Last modified   Mon Dec 05 2016 21:54:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Michael Leow


  • Carlos Caicedo
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