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Weather Forecast 85% open


What data is expected?

3-day forecasts of temperature, precipitation and wind. Forecasts have to be provided for several regions in the country. Short-term weather forecasts are relevant for the general public to plan activities, while also being reliable. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Temperature extremes
  • Temperature average
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Precipitation Amount
  • Precipitation Probability
  • Forecast for current day and four following days

How open is the data?

Los datos se encuentran enlazados en el portal de datos abiertos del estado colombiano en el siguiente enlace:

The submission is valid. However, not all data can be downloaded at once, because the user has to retrieve forecast information for individual cities/regions individually through a search interface. Thank you, Carlos Julio Leon Caicedo and Juan Felipe Devia Rodriguez, for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.

Data location - Allí cualquier persona puede descargar los datos en formato CSV sobre pronóstico de las ciudades y municipios que componen el territorio nacional de Colombia (latitud, longitud, región, departamento, fecha, hora, temperatura, velocidad del viento, dirección del viento, pronóstico) para un intervalo de tiempo de 3 horas a 8 días.
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Thu Mar 16 2017 01:25:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Danny Lämmerhirt


  • anonymous
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