This is an archived project from the Open Knowledge Foundation and it is no longer active. For any questions please contact admin at

Locations 80% open


What data is expected?

A database of postcodes/zipcodes and the corresponding spatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar coordinates in an openly published coordinate system). The data has to be available for the entire country. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Zipcodes
  • Addresses
  • Coordinates (latitude, longitude)
  • Data available for entire country

How open is the data?

This is a correction based on this forum thread -

This is based and checked as part of the public dialogue phase. Files were in OPT and were not machine readable.

Data location
Data licence
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Mor Rubinstein
Submitters   Mor Rubinstein
Last modified   Wed Jun 14 2017 22:36:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Mor Rubinstein


  • Mor Rubinstein
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