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Company Register 30% open


What data is expected?

List of registered (limited liability) companies. The submissions in this data category do not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet, etc. Open data from company registers may be used for many ends: e.g. enabling customers and businesses to see with whom they deal, or to see where a company has registered offices. This definition draws on the work of OpenCorporates.

  • Name of company
  • Company address
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Register available for entire country

How open is the data?

I could not find any relevant information of interest on the Official Gazette of the Islamic Republic of Iran website proposed by the submitter: However, I was able to find through searching the Company Registration General Office website (, the Legal Entities' National ID Portal. Company data are available through a search mask and it is necessary to know the name of an entity and submit it in Persian (not Latin characters) in order to find it. National ID, Registration, Name, Personality, Registrar, and Situation are available in .HTML format, but no Company Address. Yet, when clicking on the National ID of an entity, one is redirected to a .PDF which contains all information mentioned above as well as Legal Residence info. The document is in Persian. Update frequency of data is not known and data cannot be downloaded in bulk: The Tehran Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Mines Trade Directory also offers the Company Name, Manager Director, and E-Mail address of companies through a search mask in .HTML format, but not the unique identifier or company address:

Data location - Legal Entities' National ID Portal
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   MohammadHossein Khani
Last modified   Sat Dec 31 2016 20:02:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Evangelia Kampouri


  • MohammadHossein Khani
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