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Weather Forecast 45% open


What data is expected?

3-day forecasts of temperature, precipitation and wind. Forecasts have to be provided for several regions in the country. Short-term weather forecasts are relevant for the general public to plan activities, while also being reliable. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Temperature extremes
  • Temperature average
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Precipitation Amount
  • Precipitation Probability
  • Forecast for current day and four following days

How open is the data?

Forecast are primarily available as weather maps. The data must be scraped, and even then it lacks detail to make it fully understandable. The data is embedded in HTML, presented in text form or weather symbols. Looking at the source code, some symbols can be interpreted by their name (e.g. wind direction). Cloud symbols show the amount of precipitation but there is no indication how much rain is falling precisely. The actual amount of rain cannot be understood from the symbol, if it would be scraped. Given that the data is embedded in HTML, the submission was changed. There is no download for forecasts available. Data for the current day can be retrieved as XML. Wind speed and direction are available for large regions in the country (no local forecasts) and are verbally described (strong winds can occur in region X). The submitter correctly stated that "copyright is claimed in the footer, "Copyright 2006. HMI of Montenegro". A regulation on the database of HMI data does not mention their status,%20klime%20i%20voda.pdf" Data can be requested based on FOI law see guidance document (MNE) and request form The original submission was sent by Arianit Dobroshi. Thank you for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.

Data location - Five day forecast - numerical modelling - 7 day forecast - Automated weather stations - 3-day forecast - Weather map with text description of wind speed (for several regions) - Forecast for current day - XML file
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   Arianit Dobroshi
Last modified   Wed Dec 14 2016 13:02:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Danny Lämmerhirt


  • Arianit Dobroshi
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