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Draft Legislation 45% open


What data is expected?

Data about the bills discussed within national parliament as well as votings on bills (not to mix with passed national law). Data on bills must be available for the current legislation period. Open data on the law-making process is crucial for parliamentary transparency: What does a bill text say and how does it change over time? Who introduces a bill? Who votes for and against it? Where is a bill discussed next, so the public can participate in debates? This data category draws on work by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Declaration of Parliamentary Openness.

  • Content of bill
  • Author of bill
  • Votes on bill per member of parliament
  • Transcripts of debates on bill
  • Status of bill

How open is the data?

I chose to mark "votes on bills" as present. Information on votes is very consistently made available for bills approved by the House of Deputies. Because the information is made available for at least some bills, I have chosen to mark it as present. I was a bit more lax on this point because it is an optional characteristic. I made a change from the original submission to indicate that transcripts were not available, as I could not find them. There needs to be an important caveat to my decision to mark "status of bills" as present. I noticed that a lot of older bills (eg. from 2005) did not have any status updates on them other than "referred to so-and-so committee). Some other bills from the same year did have updates (eg. approved by Deputies on a certain date). I am not sure of the reason why so many bills did not have updates. It could be because the bills just died in committee or it just takes very long for certain bills to move through the legislative process (eg. some bills introduced in 2005 were only voted on by the deputies in 2010). It is also a possibility that the government was not consistent on updating the status of all bills online. If this is the case than "status of bills" would have to be changed accordingly and the "information up to date" would probably also have to change. I was not able to prove the possibility of the government inconsistently providing status updates, so I am marking "status of bills" as present and B6 as a YES. I updated the review after Enrique_Zapata's feedback. The only change that has been made is to change B5 to No.

This is an updated version on the original review. The original submission had been accepted because all the required characteristics are present in the data set.

Data location - Draft legislations in Congress
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Juela Xhaferraj
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Thu Mar 09 2017 15:51:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Juela Xhaferraj


  • anonymous
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