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Company Register 0% open


What data is expected?

List of registered (limited liability) companies. The submissions in this data category do not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet, etc. Open data from company registers may be used for many ends: e.g. enabling customers and businesses to see with whom they deal, or to see where a company has registered offices. This definition draws on the work of OpenCorporates.

  • Name of company
  • Company address
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Register available for entire country

How open is the data?

The data only have a list of number of registered companies and businesses according to months and categories such as local companies, foreign companies, total companies and total businesses. Reference link:

The only available data the submitter could find for free was a list of number of registered companies and businesses according to months and categories such as local companies, foreign companies, total companies and total businesses: However, on the Companies Commission of Malaysia website there is the service "e-Info" available which is an internet based Self-Help Online System to provide search and purchase of company and business information. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere, globally by accessing A company profile which can be purchased via the e-Info system contains the following: Corporate Information, Registered and Business Address, Summary of Share Capital, Directors/Officers, Shareholders/Members, Company/Charges, and Company Financing Statement. A business profile which can be purchased via the e-Info system contains the following: Business Information, Current Business Owner, Nature of Business, and Business Branches: Company Profile Information includes company name, company registration number and check digit, previous name and date of change, total authorized and total issued, directors, managers, shareholders, officers, company charges and summary of the latest financial information. Business profile information includes business name, registration number, type of business and detail of owner and partners, business address, date of commencement, and expiry date of current registration: All required characteristics are available via the service e-Info ( but for a fee of RM15 per Company. Once registered on the e-Info website, one can search for an entity via name or registration number and can then proceed to purchase the information in .PDF format. How often the data are updated is not stated. A sample can be seen here:

Data location - Companies Commission of Malaysia e-Info Services
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   Hazwany Jamaluddin
Last modified   Wed Dec 14 2016 16:23:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Evangelia Kampouri


  • Hazwany Jamaluddin
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