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Government Budget 80% open

Northern Ireland

What data is expected?

National government budget at a high level, that is the planned government expenditure for the upcoming year, and not the actual expenditure. Open budget data allows for well-informed publics: showing where money is spent on, how public funds develop over time, and why certain activities are funded. We recommend that you consult our methodology section for more information.

  • Budget per government department
  • Budget per sub-department
  • Descriptions for budget sections

How open is the data?

This is not data, per se. It is a summary of agreed government spending by department and area of spend in PDF format.
Data location - Northern Ireland Budget 2016/17 - PDF Budget Law
Data licence and
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Anna Alberts
Submitters   Bob Harper
Last modified   Thu Dec 15 2016 16:28:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Anna Alberts


  • Bob Harper
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