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Weather Forecast 65% open


What data is expected?

3-day forecasts of temperature, precipitation and wind. Forecasts have to be provided for several regions in the country. Short-term weather forecasts are relevant for the general public to plan activities, while also being reliable. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Temperature extremes
  • Temperature average
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Precipitation Amount
  • Precipitation Probability
  • Forecast for current day and four following days

How open is the data?

The submission is correct. The KNMI provides a large variety of weather information as open data at the KNMI datacentre: These open data include observational data (24h precipitation, near-realtime precipitation updates, evaporation, historical temperature data from 1961 until today , available in bulk). This data is downloadable in xml, has metadata accompanying the underlying calculation models, etc. However, the datacentre does not provide forecast data for all required characteristics. The submission therefore refers to the minimum available forecast data, accessible at: This data is available in HTML, cannot be downloaded, but can be reused for any purpose (openly licensed under CC0 license, see:

Data location - Official KNMI website: Bulk access to 24-hour precipitation accumulations from radar and rain gauges - temperature - gridded daily maximum temperature in the Netherlands - KNMI forecast page, containing all relevant forecast data
Data licence
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   Danny Lämmerhirt
Last modified   Fri Jan 27 2017 14:24:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Danny Lämmerhirt


  • Danny Lämmerhirt
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