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Election Results 45% open

Puerto Rico

What data is expected?

This data category requires results by constituency / district for all major national electoral contests. Election data informs about voting outcomes and voting process. What are electoral majorities and minorities? How many votes are registered, invalid, or spoilt? To enable highest transparency, the Index assesses polling station data. Data for electoral zones does not suffice. The Index consulted the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to develop this data category. For more information, see the NDI’s Open Elections Data Initiative. We recommend that you consult our methodology section for more information.

  • Results for major electoral contests
  • Number of registered votes
  • Number of invalid votes
  • Number of spoiled ballots
  • Data available at polling station level

How open is the data?

The second website provides electoral results for the Puerto Rico's recent 2016 election. The first website can provide electoral information about previous elections.

By request of submitter, information was updated in several categories, with the only difference that the datasets do not include description of spoiled votes, but only null or invalid votes. Also, on format, submitter requested it would be included the XML format, but the data is available only through HTML format, which was included. As the submitter notes, finding the second elections data website does not have an obvious route. As for public domain, there are links to "Politica de privacidad" and "Terminos y condiciones", which usually contain this sort of information but they return to the homepage. These pages were also non existent through Google search queries. Historical data (1923-2001) ( contain a “All rights reserved” disclaimer by the end of the webpage.

Data location - Official State Electoral Commission website - Drop down menus provide 2016 electoral results down to the level of individual polling stations
Data licence   There is no statement as to licensing information of results.
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Paola Mosso
Submitters   Jacobo Orenstein
Last modified   Wed Dec 14 2016 17:36:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Paola Mosso


  • Jacobo Orenstein
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