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Company Register 50% open


What data is expected?

List of registered (limited liability) companies. The submissions in this data category do not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet, etc. Open data from company registers may be used for many ends: e.g. enabling customers and businesses to see with whom they deal, or to see where a company has registered offices. This definition draws on the work of OpenCorporates.

  • Name of company
  • Company address
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Register available for entire country

How open is the data?

This is a new portal for new registry, which unites several other registries used in the past. The bad news is, that it is available only in in human readable form, i.e. via Search Form (search possible based on ID number, name of the subject, etc.) and results are available as HTML. The good news is that data is licensed under CC-BY (as stated on the front page of portal) so other non-government project(s) are scrapping the data and are making it available in machine readable form (for example

Any search query attempts on the Register and Identifier of Legal Persons, Entrepreneurs and Public Authorities website by the Statistical Office Of The Slovak Republic proposed by the submitter ( came up with an "Error when communicating with the database" warning and no results would be returned. Hence, I provided the link to the Business Register on Internet by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic ( and updated the information on B1.1 accordingly. Databases on the Business Register are available for free and are usually updated every weekday but, as is also the case with the webpage provided by the submitter, they are available through a search mask and it is necessary to know the name, identification number, registered seat, or registration number of an entity in order to find it. The data cannot be downloaded at once. They include the business name, registered seat, and identification number .in HTML format.

Data location - Business Register on Internet
Data licence
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   Peter Hanecak
Last modified   Fri Dec 02 2016 14:52:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Evangelia Kampouri


  • Peter Hanecak
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