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National Maps 45% open


What data is expected?

A geographical map of the country including national traffic routes, stretches of water, and markings of heights. The map must at least be provided at a scale of 1:250,000 (1 cm = 2.5km). Geographic information is instrumental for many use cases, including the mapping of unemployment statistics or demographics, as well as journey planning. See our methodology section for more information.

  • Scale of 1:250,000 (1 cm = 2.5km)
  • Markings of national traffic routes
  • Markings of relief/heights
  • Markings of water stretches
  • National borders

How open is the data?

Maps are available via interactive portal without means to export data for the general public (other than printing in PDF). Maps are available in resolutions up to 1:2000 . There is a copyright notice at the bottom of the page, apart from that, no other license is available specifically for the data - so "No" is indicated as an answer in this regard. The data, though, should be available for download, even in bulk, machine/readable formats, for a fee. We couldn't test this functionality, therefore we couldn't specify the formats of the data other than HTML and JSON (as available though portal, discover-able with some reverse engineering). To the best of our knowledge, the data for the whole of Slovakia is updated approximately once in 3 years. The map seems to be up-to-date at the moment, but no information about last updates is provided.
Data location - ZBGIS Map Client
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Codrina Maria Ilie
Submitters   Peter Hanecak
Last modified   Mon Dec 05 2016 12:44:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Peter Hanecak
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