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Company Register 15% open


What data is expected?

List of registered (limited liability) companies. The submissions in this data category do not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet, etc. Open data from company registers may be used for many ends: e.g. enabling customers and businesses to see with whom they deal, or to see where a company has registered offices. This definition draws on the work of OpenCorporates.

  • Name of company
  • Company address
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Register available for entire country

How open is the data?

The submitter has provided a link to the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey - Turkish Trade Registry Gazette website. However, data are available only on request and behind a paywall: "Because the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette is not published with index information of companies, they are presented to users via the internet in exchange of a fee on a request to get information about a company. The information which exists in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette Data-Base are shown below here: Name of Company, Trade Registry Number, Type of Announcement/ Explanation, Number of the Gazette, Page Numbers of the Announcements, City Code of the Company, Municipality Code of the Company. Index-information which have existed since 01.01.1992 till now in our web site, are given in exchange of 3.000 TL and the fee of a yearly subscription is 1.200 TL. Users wanting to get Turkish Trade Registry Gazette Index-information via the internet, have to make a remittance to the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette’ Bank Account, Türkiye İş Bankası Akay Branch. Branch number is 4201, Account number is 676466, then they have to post the extract of account with an application letter to BHDB." I was able to find that the Turkish Standards Institution, a related institution of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, offers a "Certified Company Search" feature on their webpage. Company Name, Company Address, Company Phone, Fax, E-Mail, Certification Number, Last Validity Date, Province where document is given, Province of Company, Document Status, and Product Group are available online, free of charge, in .HTML format. However, one needs to know the name or certification number of an entity in order to find it, as well as enter a captcha code. Data cannot be downloaded in bulk, while update frequency and type of license are unknown.

Data location - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey - Turkish Trade Registry Gazette - Turkish Standards Institution - Certified Company Search
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   Zeynep Yılmaz
Last modified   Fri Dec 09 2016 11:22:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Evangelia Kampouri


  • Zeynep Yılmaz
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