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Land Ownership 100% open


What data is expected?

Data should include maps of lands with parcel layer that displays boundaries in addition to a land registry with information on registered parcels of land. The Index focuses on assessing open land tenure data (describing the rules and processes of land property). Responsible use may enable tenure security and increase the transparency of land transactions. The assessment criteria were developed in collaboration with Cadasta Foundation. For more information on land ownership datasets and where they're located, check out Cadasta Foundation's Data Overview.

  • Parcel boundaries (inc. latitude and longitude)
  • Parcel ID
  • Property value (i.e. Price Paid, Property Tax Value)
  • Tenure Type (ie. leasehold, freehold, protected lands, public lands, customary lands)

How open is the data?

This entry has been modified after the Public Dialogue phase. Entry is here

Data location - The land information includes about 20 fields, including the border, number of land, land area, type, use area, landowners and so on.
Data licence
Data format   KML, XML
Reviewer   Oscar Montiel
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Wed Mar 22 2017 07:10:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Oscar Montiel


  • anonymous
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