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Draft Legislation 30% open


What data is expected?

Data about the bills discussed within national parliament as well as votings on bills (not to mix with passed national law). Data on bills must be available for the current legislation period. Open data on the law-making process is crucial for parliamentary transparency: What does a bill text say and how does it change over time? Who introduces a bill? Who votes for and against it? Where is a bill discussed next, so the public can participate in debates? This data category draws on work by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Declaration of Parliamentary Openness.

  • Content of bill
  • Author of bill
  • Votes on bill per member of parliament
  • Transcripts of debates on bill
  • Status of bill

How open is the data?

I made a few changes to the original submission. 1) Changed B3 to indicate votes were not available. 2) Changed B5 to indicate data is not available in bulk 3) Changed B6 to claim that data is not up do date. This decision was made mainly on the fact that the last status update on bills was made a month ago. The original submitter also seemed to have noticed about a month delay in updates. This is more than the three weeks threshold of this survey. 4)Changed B8 to indicate that data is available in HTML. See comments throughout. Despite the changes, I am accepting the submission because the required characteristics are available (even though status is found on a different page and it was a bit more difficult to locate).

This submission should be accepted because all required characteristics are available in the data set.

Data location - Parliament of Zimbabwe
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Juela Xhaferraj
Submitters   Tricia Govindasamy
Last modified   Tue Jan 17 2017 12:09:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)



  • Juela Xhaferraj


  • Tricia Govindasamy
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